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3 Tips for Fitness Fun

1. Choose Your Fun

We may not always agree with what others think is fun. Spinning Hula Hoops might not be your cup of tea, but an Irish dance class tickles your toes. Skydiving makes your heartbeat just a bit too fast, but a row in the lake floats your boat.

How can you put some fun into your fitness?

  • Plan a short trip to a beautiful place where you'll be motivated to be more active than usual.
  • Involve your family and friends in an activity.
  • Something new.
  • Something old -- if the last ballet class you had was in the third grade, it's time to try it again.
  • Jump rope.
  • Play with your kids.

2. Make a New Tradition

Today, your family tradition may be lifting a spoon rather than lifting weights. Try something different. Make new family traditions around fitness and fun. After all, says Butterworth, children model their behavior after us; a sedentary parent is likely to have a sedentary child. It stands to reason, then, that an active parent will have active children -- although active children don't necessarily mean active parents.

Lead the way. Get out that old game of Twister. The kids may groan at first, but those moans will soon be replaced with laughter. Let's face it, the image of Dad as a giant pretzel is kind of funny!

3. Realize the Rewards

Moving your body feels good when you're having fun. You'll also find that if you're enjoying yourself, you'll have more energy and enthusiasm for other areas in your life.

Kristine Thomas says when she was just beginning to get fit her biggest problem with getting in shape was that she got tired. However, if she can make it out the door, after a few minutes at her chosen sport of running, she's invigorated and feeling good about herself. It feels great to accomplish goals, too. Kristine is following a marathon-training regime. Though she may not actually run the marathon, just the thought that she'll soon be able to do so helps her feel good about herself.

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